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Das Portal der offiziellen Lore
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Eight races make up the population of Atys. Four of them presented below constitute the four ethnic civilizations of Hominity.
The other four races, the primitives, one of which has disappeared, practically do not shape the atysian history.
During the Great Swarm, not all homins were able to leave the ancient lands through the Rainbows. Some had to stay and had to make many sacrifices in order to survive. Over the years, they have taken the name Marauders. This society, where the law of the strongest reigns, is based on a clan structure. Abandoned by the two great powers, they believe only in their own strength. Others concluded that the only way to survive the Atys dangers of Goo and Kitins was the synergy of peoples, so, to stay outside the systems. These stateless homins are the Rangers and the Trytonists. The latter ones live in the shadows, as they clash with the Kamis and the Karavan.
Get to know your people, your allies, your enemies. Much more than the basis of a roleplay, the information contained in this portal will allow you to get the keys to better understand the game.
Ryzom: Die Lore • Das Spiel OOC
Atys: Die Welt von Atys • Flora • Fauna
Nationen: Fyros • Matis • Tryker • Zoraï
Fraktionen: Kami • Karavan • Marodeure • Ranger • Trytonisten
Enzyklopädie: Atys Chroniken • Die Große Bibliothek • Mysterien OOC