Aus EnzyklopAtys
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Das Portal der Großen Mysterien von Atys
Plan und Kategorien des Themas
- Category: Help
- Category: X-files (or the backstage and machinery of encyclopAtys).
- Category: Babylon (language skills).
- Category: Kategorisierung (internal categorization rules).
- Category: Graphic Charter (Atys wiki-specific color and shape rules).
- Category: templates (all templates).
To find all of our images in the wiki: Ryzom images.
And finally, especially do not forget:
- the Category:Stubs of unfinished texts,
- the Category:WIP of "numb" writing texts,
- and the translation requests:Category:TIP.
![Ico task rite.png](
- Verlorene Gegenstände: archäologische überreste, vergessene Geheimnisse, verschwundene Helden...
- UFO (Absichtlich nicht Identifizierte Objekte): sammelt die Artikel, deren Lesen Ihnen den Spaß verderben könnte, den Sie vielleicht (nicht alle spielen so) in Ihrem Rollenspiel auf Atys haben.
- Hinter den kulissen der Enzyklopädie: Tipps, Tricks, Erklärungen... sehr nützlich für die Enzyklopatys oder für das Spiel, aber schwer kategorisierbar, weil an der Grenze zwischen Technik, gameplay, RP, wie zum Beispiel datumsumrechnungEN.
Allgemeine übersicht
Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Leda, 2023-03-09)
All the help you need to contribute to the Encyclopatys or simply to find your way around.
The help catalog contains theoretically all possible help, but here is the list recommended by seasoned contributors. Pages in the "Help" namespace contain wiki-specific thematic documentation; see Help:Main Page
Before going into technical details, some basic remarks (in progress): How and why Help:Why create an account?.
- Presentation of the wiki toolbars because in order to communicate, it is good to speak the same language, to understand what we are talking about.
- The Writing Guide (feel free to correct it, and and improve it).
- Wikis are often criticized for their research, but the forum's research is not at all practical either... I've written some notes on research here: Help:Search (Search and find is in game help).
- For translators: WikiTrad-EN, atys:Category:Tools for Translation
Quite quickly, everyone makes a personal notepad (under some OCC sub-page on your profile), with the "wiki code snippets" frequently used :p
Personally, I think that wiki code is easier than forum codes.
Some examples of wikists: User:Zorroargh, User:Nilstilar, User:Dorothée (at the bottom of the page, the Characters-players category allows you to find other homins).
- Important: Pages displaying this Seal of the Lore (for example those in rows in the category [:Category:Chronicles|Chronicles]] have a special status, because they constitute together the official description (natural history and geography of Atys, history of the Powers and Homins, etc.) of Atys. It is not recommended to modify them, but they can be discussed.
- Don't hesitate to contact us on the public channel of wiki contributors at
Ryzom: Die Lore • Das Spiel OOC
Atys: Die Welt von Atys • Flora • Fauna
Nationen: Fyros • Matis • Tryker • Zoraï
Fraktionen: Kami • Karavan • Marodeure • Ranger • Trytonisten
Enzyklopädie: Atys Chroniken • Die Große Bibliothek • Mysterien OOC