Der Dolch der Lagunen: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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de:Der Dolch der Lagunen en:The Dagger of the Lagoons es:La Daga de las Lagunas fr:La dague des Lagons ru:Кинжалы лагун
Übersetzung zur Überprüfung
Gib nicht den Mitwirkenden die Schuld, sondern komm und hilf ihnen. 😎
Be'Marrell Gedden, Weiser, Fairhaven.

    “Der Dolch der Lagunen” ist eine der vier von den Weisen vorgeschlagenen Quests der vier Hauptstädte und ist für Homins gedacht, die aus Silan auf den Kontinent kommen. Wie die anderen drei Quests, begleitet sie den Charakter bis zur Stufe 100. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie alle Dialoge der Quest und die verschiedenen Missionen, aus denen sie besteht.
    Wie der Name schon sagt, findet die Quest ausschließlich in Aeden Aqueous, dem Seenland, statt. Der Abschluss der Quest wird mit einer schweren Rüstung von guter Qualität, einer Nah- oder Fernkampfwaffe und kleineren "Geschenken" belohnt.

    Diese Quest ist lang. Der zuletzt erreichte Schritt wird gespeichert. Wenn die Quest also versehentlich abgebrochen wird, kann sie jederzeit wieder aufgenommen werden, indem man mit dem Weisen spricht, der sie gegeben hat.

Belohnungen :
oder :

— Lor-Tashok (tryker) Schwere Rüstung Helm und Stiefel gut verarbeitet ( q120, +150 Ico Life.png −150 Ico sap.png ),
Ein Fyler-Dolch und ein Tanner-Schwert (einhändig) oder eine Rade-Pistole (q110, +150 Ico stamina.png −150 Ico sap.png),
20 000 dp$.

Die Mitwirkenden

  • Du ( $You$)
  • Be'Marrell Gedden − Weiser, Ratskammerplatz, Fairhaven, See der Freiheit, Aeden Aqueous.
  • Ba'Naer Liffan − Barmann, Fairhaven Trödelmarkt, Fairhaven, See der Freiheit, Aeden Aqueous.
  • Be'Laury Lipsie − Stammesaußenposten-Offizier (Lehmbildhauer), Winde der Muse, Aeden Aqueous.
  • Mac'Jorn Lichan − Windermeer, See der Freiheit, Aeden Aqueous.
  • Be'Gany Liffan − Händler für Nahkampfwaffen, Avendale, See der Freiheit, Aeden Aqueous.
  • Mac'Dughan Ganan − Händler für Nahkampfwaffen, Crystabell, See der Freiheit, Aeden Aqueous.
  • Mac'Arlly Baksan − Magielehrer, Crystabell, See der Freiheit, Aeden Aqueous.
  • O'Arty Ganan − Magielehrer, Windermeer, See der Freiheit, Aeden Aqueous.
  • Be'Riplan Artan − Magielehrer, Ratskammerplatz, Fairhaven, See der Freiheit, Aeden Aqueous.
  • Be'Keeer Breggan − Stammesführer (Lehmbildhauer), Winde der Muse, Aeden Aqueous.

und die intensive Beteiligung des Lehmbildhauer-Stammes.

Die Schlacht in den Lagunen

[Sich über die Schlacht in den Lagunen informieren]

Der Weise:
Be'Marrell Gedden : Hello, $You$. . I see that you are a fighter; do you use daggers for your battles? It's an incredible weapon. Lightweight, subtle, fast. So fast that evading becomes very easy when you are using one
It is said that during the Battle of the Lagoons, some Tryker warriors, led by Still Wyler, had magic daggers, which allowed them to attack with unsurpassed speed. Have I awoken your interest? I'm not familiar with the details, but I do know somebody who knows more.

You : Who then?
Be'Marrell Gedden : Ba'Naer Liffan, a barman of the city. He can tell you more about this battle and the famous daggers.
Oh, one last thing: This mission may take a long time. If you forget who you were supposed to go see next, don't hesitate to ask me.

The Bartender:
You : What can you tell me about the Battle of the Lagoons ?
Ba'Naer Liffan : The Battle of the Lagoons... yes, I remember this story. The Trykers were led by Still Wyler, they fought the Matis for control of the Lagoons. Fortunately Yrkanis, Prince of the Matis, offered us his help. Without the daggers, they might not have held for long.
You want to have one? I don't know if that's possible, but... I know someone who may have an idea. His name is Be'Laury Lipsie. . You can find him in Winds of Muse and is a member of the Silt Sculptors tribe. They can be found in the north of Winds of Muse, west of a large cliff.

At the Silt Sculptors':
You : Do you know anything about the Battle of the Lagoons ?
Be'Laury Lipsie : An enchanted dagger from the Battle of the Lagoons ? Yes, I can help you, but first you have to do me a favor. These cursed vigilant Izams are constantly stealing our food stores. Kill ten of them, and I will see what I can do for you.
[ Izam hunt... ]
You : I killed the vigilant Izams.
Be'Laury Lipsie : I am grateful, you were very efficient. Now, regarding your story...

[Reward : 150× Elevation crystals q100]  :

The social misfit

[Continue with the search for the dagger of the Lagoons.]
[Make sure you are at least level 60 in Fight before going to see Be'Laury Lipsie']

Be'Laury Lipsie : Some time ago, a Trykette named Mac'Jorn Lichan qui vit à Windermeer from Windermeer saw something that you will find interesting. But there is a problem... if I remember correctly, she's not very sociable. I don't know if she will agree to talk with you... But I will help you to... mollify her. We are going to prepare her favorite dish, grilled Kizoar wings. Kill Kizoar forts and gather their wings. And then, it may become a little trickier...
[Gather 10 fine fragments of fine Kizoar wings of at least quality 50 and bring them back to Be'Laury Lipsie]
[Give the wings]

— Well, I hope you did not fear the danger of preparing the Kizoar wings. I need clopper. You can find it on the cloppers teeming around the lake south of our camp. I wish you good luck, because you will need it...
[Gather 5 fine secretions/Clopper of at least quality 50 and bring them to Be'Laury Lipsie]
[donner les objets]
— Ah, you have found them! Excellent, I will prepare the wings... right, here they are. Bring the dish to Mac'Jorn Lichan, quickly, before it cools...
[Bring the grilled Kizoar wings to Mac'Jorn Lichan, in Windermeer, before they get cold.]
[give the items within one (1) hour]

Mac'Jorn Lichan : Oh, the wings... it's for me!? Excuse me for my rudeness, I am in a difficult mood right now. You want to talk to me about the daggers of the Battle of the Lagoons?
[Mac'Jorn Lichan is grateful and gives you some dappers.] (20 000 dp$)

A dagger in a stomach

[Continue with the search for the dagger of the Lagoons.]
[Make sure you are at least level 70 in Fight before going to see Mac'Jorn Lichan]

Mac'Jorn Lichan : While I was taking a stroll in Winds of Muse several months ago, I saw a bizarre capryni. It seemed to have a strange aura. It was only much later that I realized what it really was: I don't know how it did it, but the animal had swallowed an enchanted dagger of the Battle of the Lagoons
If you could find this beast and kill it, maybe you can still find the dagger. It was a Grunting Capryni, found in the North-East of Winds of Muse. Even if it is still alive, I don't know if it will still have the aura. If you are in doubt, you should kill all Grunting Caprynis that you encounter... maybe one of them is the one you are looking for.
[Tuez des Capryni grogneur au Nord-est des Winds of Muse jusqu'à trouver la dague avalée.]
[grunting capryni hunt...]
[You find a twisted dagger.]
[Montrez twisted dagger à Mac'Jorn Lichan.]
Mac'Jorn Lichan :Ah... so this is the dagger you found in the capryni's stomach? Let me see... yes, I think it is one of the magical daggers. But as you can see it is totally useless now, and besides, it has lost its magical aura.
That's a real shame... hmmm... in fact... no, it's impossible... but anyway, we could try.
One of the weapons merchants in Avendale is a friend of mine. Few know this, but he is a remarkable blacksmith. This dagger can never be repaired, but she may be able to identify the component materials, and who knows, maybe even make a new one! It's worth trying. Go see her, her name is Be'Gany Liffan.

[Show the twisted dagger to Be'Gany Liffan, an Avendale weapons merchant..]

Reforging the dagger

[Make sure you are at least level 80 in Fight before going to see Be'Gany Liffan]

[Speak to Be'Gany Liffan]

You : About the daggers...
Be'Gany Liffan : I think I have identified the dagger's component materials. The first material is found on creatures, for the second.... We will get to that later. As for the creatures, they will not be easily gathered, because they are claws of Crays. I do not have any anymore, so you will have to gather them. Please note that you cannot buy them from a merchant, you will have to do it yourself. You can find the Crays near the entry to Resting Water. But be wary, the area is very dangerous.
You can find gruff Crays near the entry to Resting Water

[Give 5 claws to Be'Gany Liffan.]

Be'Gany Liffan : That will do. Now, for the second part, that will mean returning to Silt Sculptors. They alone know where to find the material we need. Go and see Be'Laury Lipsie and ask them for powdered silt.

[Go to the Silt Sculptors‘ camp and talk to Be'Laury Lipsie]

at Silt Sculptors’ camp:
You : Do you know where I can find powdered silt?
Be'Laury Lipsie : Powdered silt? Well... we have that, yes. However, although I don't want to blackmail you, before I give it to you, you will have to do something for me. The Muse Muggers are bandits who have their camp to the south-west of here. They have become increasingly dominant and we fear they will come to plunder our village sooner or later. You are strong, and you will be able to teach them a lesson and rid them of the urge to set foot in our camp. You may need companions, because they are numerous. If you will do this for us I will give you some powdered silt for free.]

[Go to the camp of the Muse Muggers and exterminate them.]
(Tough battle...)
[You have taught the Muse Muggers a good lesson.]
[Go back to Be'Laury Lipsie to get the powdered silt.]

You : The Muse Muggers are unlikely to come pillage for a while
Be'Laury Lipsie : You have succeeded? Ha ha, very good, you don't dissapoint me. To be honest, I anticipated your success and I have already sent a messenger with the powdered silt to Mac'Jorn Lichan. It should have arrived by now.

[Go back to Mac'Jorn Lichan.]
You : Have you received the powdered silt from Be'Laury Lipsie ?
Mac'Jorn Lichan : Absolutely, you must have passed the messenger. I wil now be able to create this dagger. I am trembling with impatience! Ah, but I am forgetting, I have these parcels to deliver... Would it bother you to transport them while I make your dagger? They are destined for... Mac'Dughan Ganan, that's it. In Crystabell.

[Bring the parcels to Mac'Dughan Ganan, in Crystabell.]

Mac'Dughan Ganan : Ah, my materials. Thank you very much. Please give my thanks to Mac'Jorn Lichan !

[Ask Mac'Jorn Lichan if she has finished making the dagger.]

Avendale :
You : Are you finished?
Mac'Jorn Lichan : I have finished... but, there is a problem. I may be able to make the dagger, but it will not be enchanted! The hitting speed of the bearer will not be affected... and I have no skills in magic... What to do? Let's see... I know some people who may be able to help us..
Yes, Mac'Arlly Baksan should... no, better O'Arty Ganan... or Be'Riplan Artan? I don't know. You should go ask them. Mac'Arlly Baksan lives in Crystabell, O'Arty Ganan in Windermeer, and Be'Riplan Artan est à Fairhaven. They are all Magic Trainers.

[Find someone who can enchant the dagger. Mac'Jorn Lichan mentioned Mac'Arlly Baksan in Crystabell, O'Arty Ganan in Windermeer, and Be'Riplan Artan in Fairhaven.]

Fairhaven :
You : Can you help me enchant this dagger?
Be'Riplan Artan : It's been a long time since I enchanted anything. Perhaps you should find someone else.
Windermeer :
You : Can you help me enchant this dagger?
O'Arty Ganan : Enchanting a weapon? You are not speaking to the right person. I am not a specialist in that!
Crystabell :
You : Can you help me enchant this dagger?
Mac'Arlly Baksan : You want to enchant this dagger? Is this... a replica of the enchanted daggers of the Battle of the Lagoons? Very interesting... I will help you. But it will not be easy. To enchant the dagger, I need a crystal like those once used. But first, let me have a look at the dagger please.

Test of strength

[Make sure you are at least level 90 in Fight before going to see Mac'Jorn Lichan]

[Speak to Mac'Jorn Lichan]

You : Hello, how can one enchant daggers?
Mac'Jorn Lichan : JI'll say it up front: This will be difficult, very difficult. The crystal we need can only be found in one place, there where the battle led by Still Wyler took place... in Lagoons of Loria! And this place is teeming with creatures much more powerful than you.
First you will have to convince me that you are capable of this mission. Go and see Be'Keeer Breggan, he will test you. You can find him in Winds of Muse. Ah, you have already been to this camp? That makes things a bit easier... for now. In case you forgot, the camp of Silt Sculptors is in the north of Winds of Muse, west of the great cliff.

[Talk to the chief of Silt Sculptors, in Winds of Muse.]

You : Mac'Jorn Lichan sends me to take a test.
Be'Keeer Breggan : You come for the test? It's very simple. You have to combine power and speed: You must defeat several cloppers within a period of time. Let's see... for you, the rules will be: Kill five $clopper1$ and three $clopper2$ in less than fifteen minutes. The cloppers are found just west of the camp, along the northern cliff. Speak to me when you are ready.

[Speak to Be'Keeer Breggan again when you are ready.]

You : I can start now
Be'Keeer Breggan : So here we go!

[cloppers hunt, Tally oh!...]
[Go find Be'Keeer Breggan to announce your success.]

You : I am done.
Be'Keeer Breggan : You have succeeded. Let me give you this badge. It shows that you have passed the test. You may find it surprising that we, craftsmen, give this kind of test... but it is not easy to survive here, so strength is also important!

[Give the badge to Mac'Jorn Lichan to show that you have passed the test of Silt Sculptors.]

Mac'Jorn Lichan : You are successful... so, I will keep my promise. Perhaps you will be able to recover this crystal. But I have one last thing to ask you before you go. To use the crystal and enchant the dagger, I will need a tool. I think Be'Gany Liffan has one. Go ask her, she will know what I mean.

[Ask Be'Gany Liffan about the special tool.]

You : We need one of your tools.
Be'Gany Liffan : [Ah, $You$ ! Where is your dagger? Mac'Jorn Lichan is helping? Excellent! Ah, but he needs a special tool? Yes, I see... I use it from time to time. Here, here it is. Give him my regards. Oh, and don't forget to return my tool when you are done.
[Give the tool to Mac'Jorn Lichan.]


The crystal of the lagoons

[Make sure you are at least level 100 in Fight before going to see Mac'Jorn Lichan]

[Talk to Mac'Jorn Lichan]
You : Hello, I am ready to go seach for the crystal.
Mac'Jorn Lichan : This is your last task. Go to Lagoons. You can get there through the tunnel in the north-east of $WoM$. I believe a battle took place near the exit of the tunnel, next to an oasis... with a bit of luck, a crystal was left behind there.
It is important to close attention to the creatures there. They are much more powerful than you. If you have any friends who are very experienced, you should ask them to accompany you. If a predator should block your path, you would do well to wait until it attacks a herbivore.... Anyway, good luck, you will need it.

[Find a crystal of the Battle of the Lagoons, in LagoonsTake the tunnel in the North-East of Winds of Muse to get there. There should be a crystal near the exit, next to an oasis.] :
[ discover a crystal. Is this what you are looking for? You should bring it to Mac'Jorn Lichan] :
[Bring the crystal to Mac'Jorn Lichan.]

Mac'Jorn Lichan : The crystal! You have a crystal! Oh, it's unbelieveable... now I can enchant the dagger. It will be exactly the same as those Still Wyler's warriors used! Just a moment please, I will work on it...

[Wait a moment while Mac'Jorn Lichan enchants the dagger.]

Mac'Jorn Lichan : I have this gun to exchange for it. It is my most prized piece, and of equivalent value. Would you be interested?
You : No thank you, I will keep the dagger.

Fyler Tanner
You : Yes, I will take the gun.

The lapse

[Bring the tool back to Be'Gany Liffan.]

You : We have forgotten the tool of your friend!
Mac'Jorn Lichan : Ah, but of course! I forgot... thank you for reminding me! Here, take it. I hope she didn't have need of it!

[Bring the tool to Be'Gany Liffan.]

Be'Gany Liffan : y tool! Thank you, I thought you had forgotten. I will give you something for remembering. Here, this should please you!

༺ ⧼ The End ⧽ ༻