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Die letzte Bearbeitung war von Leda am 16.02.2022.

de:Die Stadtempfänger/Yrkanis en:The Cities' Welcomers/Yrkanis es:Los recibidores de las ciudades/Yrkanis fr:Les Hôtes des cités/Yrkanis ru:Глашатаи городов/Yrkanis
Übersetzung zur Überprüfung
Gib nicht den Mitwirkenden die Schuld, sondern komm und hilf ihnen. 😎

Persönlicher Bernstein
Liccio Chialdo
Liccio Chialdo (Yrkanis city welcomer).png
City Welcomer
Rasse Fyros
Geschlecht Male
Nation Matia Kingdom
Organisation Kingdom administration
Anbetung Cult of Light
Fraktion Karavan
Nicht-Spieler Charakter

The Cities' Welcomers/Introduction

The missions

Type Title Description
Fight Skin for the Royal Craftsman[1] The Royal Craftsman needs you to bring back some Bodoc skin.
Securing the roads Help the authorities secure the access routes to Yrkanis.
An errand for the Green Seed The Green Seed have a package to send to Avalae.
Craft Boots for the Palace Marco Menini is in need of boots.
Spears for the apprentices [2] The apprentice warriors of Yrkanis need spears for training.
Harvesting Bones for the Royal Craftsman The Royal Craftsman needs bones for his next work.
Roots for the barman The barman of Yrkanis needs roots to flavor his drinks.
Spores for the apothecary The apothecary of Yrkanis needs spores to create a potion.


  1. It seems that the in-game mission is wrongly entitled “Water for the Royal Craftsman] ”
  2. This mission is a double one, In the first step you learn a crafting ability (a generic two handed spear plan), in the second you pratice yor new ability

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