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Übersetzung zur Überprüfung
Gib nicht den Mitwirkenden die Schuld, sondern komm und hilf ihnen. 😎

short for “Application”; small utility program, often web-based.

This page is intended to homogenize and make consistent with the vocabulary used in game all that concerns

  • Apps
  • webapps
  • appzone
  • etc.

The "Apps" each of a sub-page has its name conforming to that of the game:

fr:Présentation des Webapps


Apps (also called "Webapps") are small web applications [1] , which are generally accessible either with a usual browser, or in-game with the in-game browser [2]. They come to bring additional information to those that can be obtained in-game, or even, for the official Apps, which are inaccessible in-game.

Appzone bar [3]

Apps are accessible:

— either, in-game', by commands like /appzone xxxx in the chat line,
— either, in game, by clicking on one of the icons of the Appzone bar installed by default

or by clicking on one of the icons on the WEB page There are three kinds of Apps:

— the "official" Apps which are always accessible,
— "User" Apps which can be used by any player, but need to be installed to appear in the Appzone bar or the homepage.

Guild apps are only available to members of the same guild, but must be Installed.

Apps can obtain information such as levels, fame or inventories of characters or their guild from the game through the API of Ryzom [4], to do so an identification key of the character or guild is required. This key is obtained through the App "Ryzom API Key".

Some examples: the forum, the homepage with agenda (opened with Shift+W)... These are all webapps (integrated, already configured - below, the toolbar has links to browse them) :

Miscellaneous applications

Outside this framework other applications have been developed: see the Miscellaneous Applications page.


An App is in fact a website like any other, except that its pages can be displayed in game thanks to the Ryzom API. (images)

A page (or pages) of EncyclopAtys can also be used as an App (e.g. for a guild) thanks to the parser which adapts the page to the game format. WikiApp is an example, a template that you can follow to create an information App for your guild for example.

Alle Apps

Apps/Apps Table

  1. hence the abbreviated name "App"
  2. known as WebIG
  3. the appearance may be slightly different depending on updates or your preferences.
  4. Application Programming Interface

Neueste Version 10.01.2024•