Dante der Schelm/OOC: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Version vom 21. Dezember 2022, 07:55 Uhr

Profile Profile OOC information OOC information
de:Dante der Schelm/OOC
en:Dante the Teaser/OOC
es:Dante el Bromista/OOC
fr:Dante le TaquinHRP
ru:Веселый Данте/OOC
Übersetzung zur Überprüfung
Gib nicht den Mitwirkenden die Schuld, sondern komm und hilf ihnen. 😎
Aen Klinge der Wüste ⋅ Dante der Schelm ⋅ Lixie die Furie ⋅ Pei-Ruz der Verruchte ⋅ Pei-Ziao der Verdorbene ⋅ Sirgio der Schurke|}

⛏ !!! Work in progress !!! ⛏

Dante's peak map

Dante the Teaser is one the leaders of the Marauders and one of the Bosses of Atys. She is one of the 6 Marauder leaders that players can challenge to obtain the Marauder armour, . His light armour is Turquoise.

Strategy Guide [1] [2]

by: Fyrosfreddy

Best route there for...

— Kami from Fount Kami TP, head North then East . Try not to drag aggro on others as you travel (avoid blue dots on compass).
— Karavan Folks can use the Kara TP in Fount and head East to Dante's camp.
— Ranger Folks can use Fount Karavan TP.
— Marauder folks can come from Fount Zinuakeen, and head South then South-East from the south of Fount Lake.


  1. NPC (Aen, Pei, Lixie, Sirgio) Hunt Scheduling / Related Info » https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/182883
  2. Marauders bosses

Die Marodeurs-Bosse
The Marauder Bosses
Aen the Desert Blade ⋅ Dante the Teaser ⋅ Lixie the Furious ⋅ Pei-Ruz the Rotten ⋅ Pei-Ziao the Pernicious ⋅ Sirgio the Wicked