Event:Atysmas 2009/Adventskalender

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Übersetzung zur Überprüfung
Gib nicht den Mitwirkenden die Schuld, sondern komm und hilf ihnen. 😎

The Adventscalendar was a calendar counting down the days till Christmas with a unique picture and caption for each day.

Day 1

Have you been nice enough this year?

Day 2

Oh no! A yubo got into the cupboard under the stairs and ate all the chocolates! :(

Day 3

Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents. Wait a moment! You really thin that? Buuuuh

Day 4

On the first day of Atysmas my true love sent to me... *sing* ... a kipucka in a rotoa tree!

Day 5

Don't forget to give your shoes a shine this evening and put them outside your door, because tomorrow is Saint Nicholas Day!

Day 6

Today a little task for you: Smile at least to three other homins and wish them a lovely day to make them happy! That's the Christmas spirit!

Day 7

Stocks are empty, the catalyzers ordered for Christmas cannot be delivered in time.

Day 8

Old Atysian saying: "It's Christmas, close your door to nobody! Except to the kitins perhaps, humm..."

Day 9

Is your list ready to send to Santa Claus?

Day 10

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Day 11

Have you been naughty or nice? Really? You think we believe that?

Day 12

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Day 13

What's brown and sounds like a bell? Dung resin!

Day 14

Hmmmm... Can a mektoub be put in front of a sled? Test it please!

Day 15

It's not a good day, you have just been killed by a kincher. Oops...

Day 16

It's almost time to prepare your New Year's Resolutions for 2010.

Day 17

Have you thought about crafting trousers wide enough for Christmas night?

Day 18

Let's have a slice of Magic! To consume without moderation...

Day 19

Snowman contest? It's neccessary to make them to scale. But for the Trykers, this will not be easy.

Day 20

Hey, a Kipucka wants to look in the bag of a matis, in the Hidden Source. Perhaps he has gifts for him?

Day 21

It's a lucky day for you, gifts are directly popping up at your home.

Day 22

No, it's not Christmas yet. Try again tomorrow!

Day 23

What? You forgot that you had to buy some gifts for tomorrow? What are you still doing here? :)

Day 24

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