Aen Klinge der Wüste/OOC: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 22: Zeile 22:
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{|style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: 0px;"
|+ style="caption; color:crimson"|''The Marauder Bosses''
|[[Aen the Desert Blade]]<br />[[Dante the Teaser]]<br />[[Lixie the Furious]]<br /> [[Pei-Ruz the Rotten]]<br />[[Pei-Ziao the Pernicious]]<br />[[Sirgio the Wicked]]
'''Aen the Desert Blade''' is one the leaders of the [[Marauders]] and one of the [[Bosses of Atys]]. She is one of the 6 Marauder leaders that players can challenge to obtain the Marauder armour, and one of the 4 that give Marauder heavy armour (the other 2 give light armour). Her heavy armour is <span style="color:#DAA520">'''beige'''</span>.
'''Aen the Desert Blade''' is one the leaders of the [[Marauders]] and one of the [[Bosses of Atys]]. She is one of the 6 Marauder leaders that players can challenge to obtain the Marauder armour, and one of the 4 that give Marauder heavy armour (the other 2 give light armour). Her heavy armour is <span style="color:#DAA520">'''beige'''</span>.

Version vom 21. Dezember 2022, 05:50 Uhr

Profile Profile OOC Information OOC Information
de:Aen Klinge der Wüste/OOC
en:Aen the Desert Blade/OOC
es:Aen Espada del Desierto/OOC
fr:Aen la Lame du Désert/HRP
ru:Аэн Клинок пустыни/OOC
Übersetzung zur Überprüfung
Gib nicht den Mitwirkenden die Schuld, sondern komm und hilf ihnen. 😎

Aen the Desert Blade is one the leaders of the Marauders and one of the Bosses of Atys. She is one of the 6 Marauder leaders that players can challenge to obtain the Marauder armour, and one of the 4 that give Marauder heavy armour (the other 2 give light armour). Her heavy armour is beige.

Her lair is west of Malmont Farm in Dunes of Exile, where she resides with her guardian varinx. As soon as she is engaged, she will send her guardians out to fight. If her guardians are defeated, she'll spawn a number of copies of herself, each of whom will summon two pairs of guardian varinx to fight for them.

The usual strategy to defeat her is to position a group of mages at a safe distance from her camp and to have a single meleer carefully draw one Aen-clone at a time into the trap. Then it is just a matter of having enough fire-power and healing to beat the Aen-clone and her two guardians simultaneously, and to repeat that until all Aens are defeated. The last one will drop the armour.

Strategy Guide [1] [2]

by: Fyrosfreddy

Aen the Desert Blade is usually the 1st NPC done during the hunts.

Best route there for ...

— Kami From Dyron Kami TP, target Malmont Farm OP and then come into Aen from Southeast.
— Karavan Folks can use the Kara TP in Dunes of Exile near the west cliff and head south
— Ranger Folks can use the either TP in Dunes of Exile
— Mara folks can come from Frahar Towers TP, heading west.


AEN Strategy.jpg

Guilds / teams assemble / line up in a straight line at the top of the hill. Usual setup is as follows:

(1) Tank for Aen
(1) Tank for Left Flank (if available)
(1) Tank for Right Flank (if available and other positions filled)

Everyone else lines up in a straight line facing Aen.

  1. When 1st approaching Aen, her two Varynx Body Guards will attack; after they go down, six (6) Aen's will appear
  2. Tank will draw the 1st of the six (6) Aen's starting on the right side. When that happens, two Varynx Body Guards will attack from left and right flanks. Main tank will take Aen, if there's a 2nd tank, they will take left flank. If there's a 3rd, they will take right flank. Teams for the 2 tanks flanking the cats should line up on the same flanks.
    The goal of the tanks are to take damage' not much sense in trying to max damage on what you're hitting at the regen rate is much higher than the damage the tank can do. Best route for the tanks is a high parry gear set up with hi parry shield and 1H weapon. If working the glanks, a enchant with Bomb 1 (2 targets) and some vamp is usefiul in helping draw the aggro as mages often hit targets before tanks secure aggro. Also have to least two melee actions ... one with basic default which uses no stam / HP credits ... for times when healers are stretched
  3. Mage lines are set up generally as follows (Full team):
    H-H-E-E-E-E-E-E-H where E = Elemental and H = Healer
    Alternate for when not reaching end:
    Set yours up for what works best for your team make up.
  4. E's just blast away starting with the Varynx furthest to right (2 o'clock), then moving counterclockwise thru 1 o'clock, 11 o'clock and finally 10 o'clock. The reason the left side gets the 1st available tank is that the left has to deal with the cats longer. After cats all dead, all focus on Aen. As always check Sysinfo to make sure you hitting.
  5. First H concentrates on tank if they in team. The 2nd and last H throw heals up and down the line
    Common spells for line healers (one for HP, one for Sap):
    Heal 18 (or Sap 18) - (250)
    Spray 7 - 8 Targets
    Sap Credit 22 - (225)
    HP Credit 21 - (200)
    Range Credit 13 - (50)
    Alternate Spell:
    Heal 17 / Sap 10) - (255 / Sap 140)
    Spray 3 - 4 Targets
    Sap Credit 22 - (225)
    HP Credit 23 - (250)
    Range Credit 15 - (80)
    Note: if your line is not straight arrow, you won't reach the peeps at the other end of the line. Of course adjust accordingly by team size. Since you on top of each other, range can be maxed. Check Sysinfo (good to test b4 fight) to see if your hitting everyone. Making a League will help with heal targets.

    Also check Sysninfo to see if you are doing damage. With NPCs, hitting is not necessarily doing damage and Sysinfo will make this obvious. Also, if you see 800 (1000), that means your are doing only 80% of the damage you could be ... use another spell to see what gives you biggest hits. For example, the cats (Varynx) at Aen resist Fire 30% and Cold / Rot 50% (Also Pierce 25%).

    Alternately ... if nobody reaching end of line front healer can move to middle and each healer handle the 4 peeps in front of them ... also allows for smaller credits. Or double spell with Sap + Heal works, tho it uses much bigger credits. Experiment and see what works best for you.
  6. Rinse and repeat for all Aen's till the real one gets involved (she's the one that gets stuck up in the air when ya first find her) . Run down to the bottom of hill to take her out.

Dos's and Don'ts:

— The two tanks on flanks should stay 20m or so from the mage pods if they want to keep cats off mages
— Mages must allow tanks a few seconds to get at least 1 - 2 hits / taunts in on each cat before healing or nuking.
— The inside cats are typically harder to 'hold' so after Aen spawns, hit that one with a taunt on the way in and attack the outside one with circular attack. Another good tactic is to enchant your weapon with a nuke / bomb 2 targets + vamp spell.
— At > 20m from closest mage pod, the farthest mage pod may have trouble reaching w/ spells. So after cats are focused on tanks ... backing up while taunting, circular attack, enchants will allow more to hit.
An effective method for backing up w/o losing the 'hold" on both cats is, once your taunt cool down ends, take 3 steps back and repeat the taunt inside cat / attack outside cat w/ circular attack. "Rinse and repeat" as required.
One more recent development ... 
if Frahar pop on the tanks, for reasons I can't understand, the cats will ignore the tank if there is a Frahar there, so if ya see them going for tanks, mages should try and take out ASAP.

And if you are going to drag the entire varynx population on the group, most of which may be afk while waiting or start, please have the courtesy to drop 50m before reaching the group. It **is** very easy to get there with no aggro ... from kami TP for example, if ya head straight to malmont OP, ya may have to walk around just 1 or 2 aggro

  1. NPC (Aen, Pei, Lixie, Sirgio) Hunt Scheduling / Related Info »
  2. Marauders bosses

The Marauder Bosses
Aen the Desert Blade ⋅ Dante the Teaser ⋅ Lixie the Furious ⋅ Pei-Ruz the Rotten ⋅ Pei-Ziao the Pernicious ⋅ Sirgio the Wicked