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Patch InfoBox
Patch 00803
Datum 19. März 2020
Build Client v8726 / Data v1921 - Server v1297 / Data v3999
Version 3.6.0-v8726
Vorheriger Patch 00791
Nächster Patch 00813


Patch 803 - Client v8726 / Data v1921 - Server v1297 / Data v3999

Patch 2020-03-19

Ein Patch des Clients und des Spielservers sind für den 19. März 2020 geplant, um folgende Änderungen und Fehlerkorrekturen zu implementieren [1]:


Verbesserungen und behobene Fehler:


Das Team von Ryzom steht für zusätzliche Informationen zu eurer Verfügung und wünscht euch alles Gute!

Ryzom Team


Tykus: A bug blocking a mission if an NPC is politely asked a question about rumors during the dialogue about it;
Moniq: This issue was generally fixed, however some badly coded missions might still cause you troubles. It was not possible to test all missions so please:
Try to avoid asking for rumors while you also fulfilling a mission for the same NPC (generally, when you already have another conversation bubble opened with the NPC).
In case you get to a situation you are unable to continue with a mission (due a missing option, for example), re-log your character (or restart your client) and let us know about such mission


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