Patch 00010

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Patch 00010
Datum 05. Oktober 2004
Build 00010
Version unbekannt
Vorheriger Patch 00007
Nächster Patch 00010b

What's new


  • NPC Vendors now sells items up to level 50 instead of 25.
  • Worn out weapons will now automatically vanish.
  • Raw materials aren't accessible at all times in the Prime Roots as they were.
  • Some Kitin patrols will make life slightly harder in the Prime Roots, so stay alert.
  • You should now be able to trade part of a stack instead of the whole lot.
  • When your mektoub's inventory is full, you will now get a message that there isn't any more room when you try to move an item from your inventory to the mek's one.
  • Your dear CSRs have received their staffs, they are not for sale!

Bug fixes


  • When exchanging enchanted items, those items seemed to loose their enchantment.
  • You will not loose items anymore if you LD during an exchange.
  • The "kill NPC" missions should work, if you kill the appropriate tribe member.
  • Missions that were using the temporary inventory have been fixed.
  • Players' apartment inventories were not properly initialized when a player logged in again.
  • When you had a mission to kill a specific monster, killing it while in a team didn't count the kill for the mission properly. This should not happen anymore.
  • Mission locations should now display properly in your Compass.
  • You weren't able to create a guild with the same name as a previously disbanded guild.
  • Fixed an issue with reserved names and naming rules.
  • You are now able to stack ammunitions that have the exact same properties.
  • You weren't able to right click / move an item from your inventory to your apartment.
  • Various translation fixes.

Bug fixes

  • <NotExist:uiMoveToNoMoreSlot> will display when you try to move to move items to your Mektoub if it's already full.
  • &SYS& is displayed when invited to team.
  • When a character in your guild is deleted, you will have a message such as "(0x0000297a54:00:00:84) has been deleted" instead of the actual character name.