Lager zur Beobachtung der Kitin-Bedrohung/OOC
Aus EnzyklopAtys
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Die letzte Bearbeitung war von Dorothée am 10.06.2022.
Übersetzung zur ÜberprüfungGib nicht den Mitwirkenden die Schuld, sondern komm und hilf ihnen. 😎
- Lieferungen : Mindestens 10 Ruhm in der Nation, der die Lager gehören.
- Prospection : Mindestens 10 ... bis 26 Ruhm in der Nation, der die Lager gehören, je nachdem, welches Lager die Materialien benötigt.
- Hinweis :
- Erkundungsmissionen für Beobachtungslager sind ein lukrativer Weg, um eine Todesstrafe zu tilgen.
- Hinweis :
- Aufgrund der Anwesenheit von aggressiven Kreaturen, manchmal in großer Zahl, auf den Routen oder an den Schauplätzen der Missionen selbst, wird dringend empfohlen, sie im Team zu absolvieren.
Was man gewinnt
Jede Menge Dapper (Geld) und Nations-punkte:
Mission |
Region lvl |
Löhne (dp$) |
Nation pkte. (Rühm 50) |
Nation pts (Rühm 100)
1th |
10 000 |
80 |
2nd |
10 000 |
160 |
3rd |
10 000 |
250 |
4th |
10 000 |
405 |
5th |
10 000 |
560 |
1 400
6th |
10 000 |
800 |
2 000
Total |
− |
60 000 |
2 255 |
5 150
Mission |
Region lvl |
minimaler Ruhm |
Qualität |
Löhne (dp$) (Rühm 50) |
Nation pkte. (Rühm 50) |
Löhne (dp$) (Rühm 100) |
Nation pkte. (Rühm 100)
1st |
0 |
10 |
2 500 |
36 |
2 500 |
2nd |
10 |
60 |
5 000 |
60 |
10 000 |
3rd |
15 |
110 |
10 000 |
108 |
20 000 |
4th |
20 |
160 |
20 000 |
205 |
30 000 |
5th |
20 |
190 |
25 000 |
410 |
40 000 |
6th |
26 |
210 |
? |
? |
? |
Total |
− |
− |
− |
> 62 500 |
> 819 |
> 102 500 |
> 1 824
Fyros prospection missions
Mission |
Qty |
Materials |
1st |
12× |
Handful of Average Damp Wood Sawdust Handful of Average Dry Bark Handful of Average Fresh Loose Soil |
10 (basic)
2nd |
16× |
Handful of Prime Fresh Bark Prime Dry Fiber Handful of Prime Dried Loose Soil |
60 (fine)
3rd |
24× |
Portion of Select Fresh Resin Handful of Select Damp Wood Sawdust Select Giant Reed Leaf |
110 (choice)
4th |
36× |
Bundle of Superb Fresh Wood Superb Small Reed Stem Handful of Superb Fresh Loose Soil |
160 (excellent)
5th |
60× |
Bundle of Superb Fresh Wood Superb Small Reed Stem Handful of Superb Fresh Loose Soil |
190 (excellent)
6th |
120× |
Handful of Magnificent Fresh Bark Magnificent Dry Fiber Grande tige / Roseau magnifique |
210 (supreme)
Matis prospection missions
Mission |
Qty |
Materials |
1st |
12× |
Average Large Reed Leaf Handful of Average Dry Bark Grande tige / Roseau moyen |
10 (basic)
2nd |
16× |
Handful of Prime Damp Wood Sawdust Petite tige / Roseau parfait Handful of Prime Fresh Loose Soil |
60 (fine)
3rd |
24× |
Bundle of Select Fresh Wood Select Dry Fiber Grande tige / Roseau de premier ordre |
110 (choice)
4th |
36× |
Portion of Superb Fresh Resin Handful of Superb Damp Wood Sawdust Superb Giant Reed Leaf |
160 (excellent)
5th |
60× |
Portion of Superb Fresh Resin Handful of Superb Damp Wood Sawdust Superb Giant Reed Leaf |
190 (excellent)
6th |
120× |
Bundle of Magnificent Fresh Wood Handful of Magnificent Dry Bark Handful of Magnificent Fresh Loose Soil |
210 (supreme)
Tryker prospection missions
Mission |
Qty |
Materials |
1st |
12× |
Bundle of Average Fresh Wood Feuille géante/Roseau moyen Average Dry Fiber |
10 (basic)
2nd |
16× |
Portion of Prime Fresh Resin Handful of Prime Damp Wood Sawdust Handful of Prime Dry Bark |
60 (fine)
3rd |
24× |
Feuille géante/Roseau de premier ordre Handful of Select Fresh Bark Handful of Select Fresh Loose Soil |
110 (choice)
4th |
36× |
Fibre humide exceptionnelle Grande tige/Roseau exeptionnel Handful of Superb Dried Loose Soil |
160 (excellent)
5th |
60× |
Fibre humide exceptionnelle Grande tige/Roseau exeptionnel Handful of Superb Dried Loose Soil |
190 (excellent)
6th |
120× |
Portion of Magnificent Fresh Resin Fagot magnifique de bois sec Petite tige/Roseau magnifique |
210 (supreme)
Zoraï prospection missions
Mission |
Qty |
Materials |
1st |
12× |
Fagot moyen de bois sec Average Dry Fiber Petite tige / Roseau moyen |
10 (basic)
2nd |
16× |
Prime Giant Reed Leaf Fibre humide parfaite Grande tige / Roseau parfait |
60 (fine)
3rd |
24× |
Select Large Reed Leaf Handful of Select Fresh Bark Handful of Select Fresh Loose Soil |
110 (choice)
4th |
36× |
Bundle of Superb Fresh Wood Superb Dry Fiber Grande tige / Roseau exceptionnel |
160 (excellent)
5th |
60× |
Bundle of Superb Fresh Wood Superb Dry Fiber Grande tige / Roseau exceptionnel |
190 (excellent)
6th |
120× |
Handful of Magnificent Damp Wood Sawdust Handful of Magnificent Dry Bark Handful of Magnificent Fresh Loose Soil |
210 (supreme)
Besuchen Sie den dynastischen, föderalen, kaiserlichen oder königlichen Händler in der Hauptstadt, um Ihre Nations-punkte auszugeben.
Merit reward
Nation ‘representatives’ offer to exchange five picks obtained from
nation merchants (one of each level, even used ones) for a super pick (quality 250, + 250 focus

, +125 life

, with effect).