Magische Menagerie

Aus EnzyklopAtys

Version vom 8. März 2024, 09:03 Uhr von Leda (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „<noinclude>{{TIP}}{{Trad|DE=Magische Menagerie|EN=Magical Menagerie|palette=RP|H=1}}</noinclude> Die '''Magische Menagerie''' war eine Ausstellung der Bosse…“)
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Gib nicht den Mitwirkenden die Schuld, sondern komm und hilf ihnen. 😎

Die Magische Menagerie war eine Ausstellung der Bosse und Benannten aus ganz Atys am Ende des Feuerwein-Festes und wurde dann während der Flüchtlingstage wieder zugänglich gemacht und Magische Miniaturmenagerie genannt. Diese Version der Menagerie enthielt miniaturisierte Versionen der Kreaturen und einige neue Erscheinungen in der Ausstellung.

Meine Damen und Herren, Reisende aus der Ferne, willkommen zur größten Show auf Atys, der Magischen Menagerie!

Hier findet ihr die fantastischen Kreaturen aus den entlegensten Winkeln von Atys. Viele dieser Kreaturen waren noch nie auf der Rinde zu sehen, und ihr könnt sie alle für den günstigen Preis von 10 Eintrittskarten bestaunen! Erfreuet Euch an den Freuden, die Atys zu bieten hat!

Die heutige Show ist kostenlos, da die Menschen, die unsere wertvollen Tiere gefunden haben, uns freundlicherweise unterstützt haben.

Die Direktion

  Menagerie Barker

Die Ausstellung

Im Folgenden findet Ihr eine Liste aller Ausstellungsstücke und ihrer Beschreibungen, die bei allen Auftritten der Magischen Menagerie unverändert geblieben ist.

Beißt nicht mehr ab, als ihr kauen könnt! Dies ist eine Kreatur aus den Tiefen des Dschungels mit golden schimmernder Haut und einem verzierten Rückgrat. Sie stöhnt und keucht, kann dich aber trotzdem mit ihren zahlreichen Untergebenen erledigen.
Diese vom Aussterben bedrohte Art kommt mit Beschwerden von Menschen nicht gut zurecht und wird am besten in Ruhe gelassen. Wenn dieses Feld leer ist, ist die CSR entkommen und sollte gejagt werden..
A special delivery from the Nexus! This carnivorous boss was not captured easily and transporting him is a dangerous undertaking. Though his name closely suggests a warm gesture, we recommend keeping your distance.
Be shocked and amazed! This beast will give you a powerful jolt if you venture too close. The bulb dangling from its head should be your warning to give it the space if needs in the Lagoons of Loria.
The winds howl through the place of the gate one might venture in but it might also seal one's fate. For out of the Halls of Darkring comes this creature you will not want to see. The darkness however, cannot hid you from this bright blue critter so you had better run if you want to escape.
Kinreys are a force to be reckoned with, but Kinkoo takes the cake and eats it too when it comes to pure nastiness. Hidden in a tree-stump, he is a popular destination for homins gathering materials.
Rarely seen! Not as large and powerful as most of the creatures in our collection, this ragus king is one of our prized pieces as many believe he only exists as a myth. Many have claimed to hear its howls but few are the ones that have seen it, and lived to tell their tale.
This terrifying creature with a mouth rimmed with teeth and thought to be mostly blind can only be found in the deepest parts of the Prime Roots.
Seeing is believing! This colossal giant is from the dank dark of the Prime Roots and is a force to be reckoned with. It enjoys feeding on homins and is known for its particular taste for Trykers. If its size doesn't scare you then its teeth surely will. If not, the you are either a brave homin or one with a death wish. If you are the latter, then we bid you adieu.
Special attraction! Be weary of this monster's noxious breath. Jugulas are famous for giving out lingering pain.
Here is a Zerx that will eat you as soon as it looks at you. All the way from the Gates of Obscurity, Wylin has made a meal of more than one enterprising forager.
From the dampness of the Void, this yetin boss will not willingly let you leave its domain.

Firewine Fest

These creatures were only displayed during the Firewine Fest.

Death Clopper 
Though commonly found in the lakes this death clopper avoided the butter sauce by dancing on command. Unfortunately, the management failed to also purchase the commands when they secured their possession. We will gladly pay in dappers to anyone who can figure out a command.
The Management
Gaze in wonder at this kizoar as he dips and dives, spears and flies. This boisterous blue bug is friendly enough to pet. Just don't get too rough!
Varinx are cuddly creatures normally, but Slyk is the black yubo of the family and does not care much for visitors. Or being petted.
Curious and strange, if you visit the Grove of the Maiden you may just see this brute with its large protruding mandible.

Refugee Days

These creatures were only displayed during Refugee Days.

Clopperketh replaces our dancing clopper as we never could figure out the commands. This clopper is unique in that she only turns on you if you bother her children in the desert dunes.
This izam is currently the only flying creature in our collection. Though he looks brilliant in the sun, do not let him fool you; with his stripes he can camouflage quite easily.
Our newest creature to our collection, Najakya hails from the jungle tropics. The bright colors should stand as a warning but more oft than not they lure in unsuspecting homins.
Thought to be the stuff of legends, this great blue ocyx's bite is worse than it's growl!
This tiny Rendokin has a powerful kick but yet an usually passive beast. His unusual sheen is due to the lichen that find his hide home.
This feline might look cute and cuddly but don't stand too close or you will be its next meal.

See also