Aus EnzyklopAtys
Version vom 17. November 2021, 18:10 Uhr von Leda (Diskussion | Beiträge)
Color Palette
model KO. Headband alert for abnormalities or rejection.
model Watch. Headband alert for decision-making, e.g. choice.
model OK. Headband sound indicating proper operation or the aprobabtion.
model Info. Headband information overall.
model Sleep. Headband overall information associated with inactivity.
model Status. Banner indicating the status (background, statistics, etc...)
Ready to use after completion
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pastel pour fond | très désaturé pour un fond mis en évidence | base par défaut très saturée | très sombre - Kara box | presque noir pour avant-plan | utilisé pour: | Paramètres de groupe pour modèles | |
fed | fb7 | f70 | 630 | 210 | Fyros | fyros | |
efd | bf7 | 7f0 | 360 | 120 | Matis | matis | |
eff | bff | 7ff | 366 | 122 | Tryker | tryker | |
edf | b7f | 70f | 306 | 102 | Zoraï | zorai | |
ffe | ffb | ff7 | 663 | 221 | Kami | kami | |
eef | bbf | 77f | 336 | 112 | Karavan | karavan | |
fde | f7b | f07 | 603 | 201 | Marauder | marauder | |
dfe | 7fb | 0f7 | 063 | 021 | Ranger | ranger | |
ede | b7b | 707 | 303 | 101 | Anhänger von Elias | tryton | |
efe | bfb | 7f7 | 363 | 121 | Neutral, staatenlos | neutral | |
def | 7bf | 07f | 036 | 012 | Agnostisch | gnost | |
fef | fbf | f7f | 636 | 212 | Neutral UND agnostisch | tao | |
dde | 77b | 007 | 003 | 001 | Urwurzeln | primes | |
eee | bbb | 777 | 444 | 111 | Ohne Klassifizierung | Grey | |
fda | fb7 | fa5 | a50 | 500 | Bernsteinwürfel | Amber | |
fdb | fc8 | fa5 | 630 | 210 | Lore(Überlieferung) | Lore | |
fed | cba | 987 | 654 | 321 | Pergament für Text im Rollenspiel | Paper | |
eed | bb7 | 770 | 330 | 110 | RP | RP | |
edd | b77 | 700 | 300 | 100 | IG | IG | |
fee | fbb | f77 | 633 | 211 | OOC | OOC | |
cff | 88f | f08 | 008 | 000 | Wiki-Regeln | Techno | |
dee | 7bb | 077 | 044 | 011 | Forge | Forge | |
Informes | |||||||
dfd | 7f7 | 0f0 | 060 | 020 | Gut | OK | |
fdd | f77 | f00 | 600 | 200 | Nicht gut! | KO | |
ffd | ff7 | ff0 | 660 | 220 | Aufmerksamkeit! | Alert | |
fdf | f7f | f0f | 606 | 202 | Status | Status | |
ddf | 77f | 00f | 006 | 002 | Standby | Sleep | |
dff | 7ff | 0ff | 066 | 022 | „Info“ oder „Standard“ | Info |