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Version vom 5. November 2020, 19:53 Uhr

de:Gioni di Tylini
en:Gioni di Tylini
es:Gioni di Tylini
fr:Gioni di Tylini
ru:Gioni di Tylini
Übersetzung zur Überprüfung
Gib nicht den Mitwirkenden die Schuld, sondern komm und hilf ihnen. 😎

Persönlicher Bernstein
Gioni di Tylini
The Dark Duker
Rasse Matis
Geschlecht Male
Nation Matis Reich(Matia)
Anbetung Kult des Lichtes
Fraktion Matis
Rang Mektoubier
Geburt ?
Tod ?
Historischer Charakter


    From Gioni di Tylini, nicknamed "the Dark Duke", only few traces remain in the memory of the people Matis. His military feats, however, have left his name as one of the heroes of the kingdom.
    According to Pergio Vasti, a Matis Military Chronicler [1]: One of those knights was Gioni di Tylini, a sure-handed colossus of Karavian stock, and a fervent believer in Jena. Tylini went on to distinguish himself in the battle of Thormes where he converted his tribal prisoners into loyal subjects. His return to Matia, the Matis capital of the old lands, was marked with great pageant and no sooner had the fanfare died down than he was summoned by the king. Time had come for the spurs of Matis knights to drive the heathenish imps from the holy land.
    In honour of his memory, the Matis gave his name to a district of their capital of the New Lands: Yrkanis, as well as to a strategic place of the Hidden Source: the Tylini Gate [2] .


He stood out in the battle of Thormes when he won the victory and subjugated the Amazones who would later become the Hamazans of the Dead Seed .
He is a major figure, alongside King Noblis in the reconquest of Karavia, then in the invasion of Trykoth.

  1. reported in the chronicle of the siege of Karavia.
  2. The Hidden Source is a region more or less claimed by the Empire. Some say that this name was chosen to remind the Fyros of their terrible defeat.

Neueste Version 07.02.2023•
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