Zeile 25: Zeile 25:
# remove System lines and cut out a part of the log based on time
# remove System lines and cut out a part of the log based on time
grep -v "(SYSTEM" log_heernis.txt | sed -n "/2018\/06\/12 18:39/,/2018\/06\/12 18:40/p" log_heernis_edit.txt > log_heernis_cutout.txt
grep -v "(SYSTEM" log_heernis.txt | sed -n "/2018\/06\/12 18:39/,/2018\/06\/12 18:40/p" log_heernis.txt > log_heernis_cutout.txt

Version vom 13. Juni 2019, 20:41 Uhr


# watch the log | filter only channel ryzomforge | delete first letters | remove every @{AFBF} | remove all line with <INFO> | write it into  ryomforge_live.txt

tail -f ~/.local/share/Ryzom/0/save/log_heernis.txt | grep --line-buffered "(DYN3)" | sed -u -e 's/\(.\{40\}\)//' | sed -u -e 's/@{AFBF}//g' | sed -u -e "s/^<INFO>.*$//g"  >> ryomforge_live.txt
# read the log | filter only channel ryzomforge | delete first letters | remove every @{AFBF} | remove all line with <INFO> | write it into  ryomforge_archive.txt

cat ~/.local/share/Ryzom/0/save/log_heernis.txt | grep "(DYN3)" | sed -e 's/\(.\{51\}\)//' | sed -e 's/@{AFBF}//g' | sed -e "s/^<INFO>.*$//g"  >> ryomforge_archive.txt
#watch the log | filter only channel SAY/EMT | exchange charname with <Spieler> |exchange Aeps Zessen with <Ziel> | write it into  emotes.txt
tail -f /home/$USER/.local/share/Ryzom/0/save/log_heernis.txt | grep --line-buffered '(SAY/EMT)' | sed -u -e 's/\(.\{32\}\)//' | sed -u -e 's/\Heernis\b/<Spieler>/g' | sed -u -e 's/\Aeps Zessen\b/<Ziel>/g' >> emotes.txt
# remove System lines and cut out a part of the log based on time
grep -v "(SYSTEM" log_heernis.txt | sed -n "/2018\/06\/12 18:39/,/2018\/06\/12 18:40/p" log_heernis.txt > log_heernis_cutout.txt

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