Farbpalette auf Atys: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Der Seiteninhalt wurde durch einen anderen Text ersetzt: „<noinclude> {{Trad| |DE =Farbpalette auf Atys |ES =Paleta de colores en Atys |EN=AtysPalette |FR=Palette des couleurs sur Atys |RU =…“)
Zeile 12: Zeile 12:
<center><big><big>'''Farbpalette auf WikipAtys'''</big></big></center><br />
<center><big><big>'''Farbpalette auf WikipAtys'''</big></big></center><br />
{|class="wikitable center sortable"
!width="12%"|pastel for bg
!width="12%"|very desaturated for light bg
!width="12%"|very saturated default base
!width="12%"|near black for fg
!width="12%"|used for:
!width="12%"|Templates group key
|style="background:#fff;color:#000"| ||''Not in use''
|style="background:#ffe;color:#221"|'''Kami'''|| '''kami'''
|style="background:#ffd;color:#220"|'''Alert'''|| '''Watch'''
|style="background:#fef;color:#212"|'''Status''' || '''Status'''
|style="background:#fee;color:#211"|<del>'''OOC'''</del>|| <del>'''OOC'''</del> <!--'''HRP-->
|style="background:#fed;color:#210"|'''Fyros''' ||'''fyros'''
|style="background:#fdf;color:#202"|'''Tryton''' ||'''tryton'''
|style="background:#fde;color:#201"|'''<del>Marauder</del>''' ||'''<del>marauder</del>'''
|style="background:#fdd;color:#200"|'''NOT OK''' ||'''KO'''
|style="background:#eff;color:#122"|'''Info'''||''' "Info" or default'''
|style="background:#efe;color:#121"|'''OK''' ||'''OK'''
|style="background:#efd;color:#120"|<del>'''Neutral'''</del> ||<del>'''neutral'''</del>
|style="background:#eef;color:#112"| ||''Not in use''
|style="background:#eee;color:#111"| '''Primes, Grey''' ||'''primes''' or '''grey'''
|style="background:#eed;color:#110"| ||''Not in use''
|style="background:#edf;color:#102"|'''Zoraï''' ||'''zorai'''
|style="background:#ede;color:#101"| ||''Not in use''
|style="background:#edd;color:#100"| ||''Not in use''
|style="background:#def;color:#012"|'''Tryker''' ||'''tryker'''
|style="background:#dfe;color:#021"|'''Ranger''' || '''ranger'''
|style="background:#dfd;color:#020"|'''Matis''' ||'''matis'''
|style="background:#dff;color:#022"|'''Neutral''','''Gnost''' ||'''neutral''','''gnost'''
|style="background:#dee;color:#011"| ||''Not in use''
|style="background:#ded;color:#010"| ||''Not in use''
|style="background:#ddf;color:#002"|'''Karavan''' || '''karavan'''
|style="background:#dde;color:#001"|'''Sleeping'''|| '''Sleep'''<!--Veille-->
|style="background:#ddd;color:#000"| ||''Not in use''
|style="background:#ddd;color:#000" colspan="8"|'''Special'''
|style="background:#fda;color:#500"|'''Amber cube'''||'''Amber'''
|style="background:#fed;color:#321"|'''Parchment, RP text'''  ||'''RP'''
|style="background:#fff;color:#300"|'''OOC'''|| '''OOC''' <!--'''HRP-->
|style="background:#8ff;color:#000"|'''Kara box'''  ||'''Techno'''
|style="background:#ff0;color:#003"|'''Rain bow'''  ||'''Test'''
|style="background:#ddd;color:#000" colspan="8"|'''Test'''
|style="background:#c9f;color:#003"|'''c9f'''  ||''639''
|style="background:#9cf;color:#003"|'''369'''  ||''369''
|style="background:#9fc;color:#030"|'''9fc'''  ||''396''
|style="background:#f9c;color:#300"|'''f9c'''  ||''936''
|style="background:#fc9;color:#300"|'''fc9'''  ||''963''
|style="background:#cf9;color:#030"|'''cf9'''  ||''693''

Version vom 10. Mai 2023, 13:55 Uhr

de:Farbpalette auf Atys en:AtysPalette es:Paleta de colores en Atys fr:Palette des couleurs sur Atys ru:Цветовая палитра в стиле Атис
Übersetzung zur Überprüfung
Gib nicht den Mitwirkenden die Schuld, sondern komm und hilf ihnen. 😎
Farbpalette auf WikipAtys

de:Farbpalette auf Atys en:AtysPalette es:Paleta de colores en Atys fr:Palette des couleurs sur Atys ru:Цветовая палитра в стиле Атис
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Zorroargh, 2024-12-04)

Color palette on WikipAtys

pastel for bg very desaturated for light bg very saturated default base dark near black for fg used for: Templates group key
fed fb7 f70 630 210 Fyros fyros
efd bf7 7f0 360 120 Matis matis
eff bff 7ff 366 122 Tryker tryker
edf b7f 70f 306 102 Zoraï zorai
ffe ffb ff7 663 221 Kami kami
eef bbf 77f 336 112 Karavan karavan
fde f7b f07 603 201 Maraudeur marauder
dfe 7fb 0f7 063 021 Ranger ranger
ede b7b 707 303 101 Elias follower tryton
efe bfb 7f7 363 121 Neutral, stateless neutral
def 7bf 07f 036 012 agnostic gnost
fef fbf f7f 636 212 neutre AND agnostique tao
dde 77b 007 003 001 Prime Roots primes
eee bbb 777 444 111 "UFO" or without classification Grey
fda fb7 fa5 a50 500 Amber cube Amber
fdb fc8 fa5 630 210 Lore Lore
fed cba 987 654 321 Parchment, RP text Paper
eed bb7 770 330 110 RP RP
edd b77 700 300 100 IG IG
fee fbb f77 633 211 OOC OOC
cff 88f f08 008 000 Wiki rules Techno
dee 7bb 077 044 011 Forge Forge
dfd 7f7 0f0 060 020 OK OK
fdd f77 f00 600 200 NOT OK! KO
ffd ff7 ff0 660 220 Keep mind! Alert
fdf f7f f0f 606 202 Status Status
ddf 77f 00f 006 002 Sleeping Sleep
dff 7ff 0ff 066 022 "Info" or "default value" Info