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es:Help:Espacios de nombres
fr:Help:Espaces de noms
ru:Help:Пространства имён
Übersetzung zur Überprüfung
Gib nicht den Mitwirkenden die Schuld, sondern komm und hilf ihnen. 😎

Reference : Mediawiki: Help:Namespaces

    Pages on a MediaWiki wiki are grouped into collections called “namespaces” which differentiate between the purpose of the pages at a high level. Pages in certain namespaces can also have special properties or behave differently when they interact with other pages.

    Namespaces are indicated in page titles by prefixing the page name with <namespace>:, so the prefix Help: in this page's title (Help:Namespaces) indicates that this page is in the Help namespace. Each namespace is identified by a number and a name, which can be translated and can also have some aliases. Aliases are usually translations of the namespace's name (for example: Hilfe, Ayuda, Aide, Справка have “Help” as an alias in this Wiki)

    A page whose name is not prefixed by a namespace lies in the mainspace. Note, however, that colons and prefixes can also appear in page titles without indicating a namespace: the page Foo:Namespaces is a page located in the mainspace because the namespace “Foo” does not exist. Similarly the page Help:Foo:Namespaces is in the “Help” namespace.

    Each namespace is asociated with a second one, with the same name suffixed by Talk. These pages are called talk or discussion pages. The purpose of them is to contain discussions about the first one. This page, for example has a discussion page which name is Help Talk:Namespaces . It lies in the Help talk namespace.

    There are no differences between orrdinary pages (pages in the main space) and those in another namespace but the way they can be found in searching. This is, for example, because you don't want the discussion about the layout of a NPC page to appear when you are looking for his history. If you want to find it, you need to perform an advanced search instead.

Standard Namensräume
Nummer Kanonischer Name Lokalisierter Name
-2 Media Medium
-1 Special Spezial
0 (Main)
1 Talk Diskussion
2 User Benutzer
3 User talk Benutzer Diskussion
4 Project EnzyklopAtys
5 Project talk EnzyklopAtys Diskussion
6 File Datei
7 File talk Datei Diskussion
8 MediaWiki MediaWiki
9 MediaWiki talk MediaWiki Diskussion
10 Template Vorlage
11 Template talk Vorlage Diskussion
12 Help Hilfe
13 Help talk Hilfe Diskussion
14 Category Kategorie
15 Category talk Kategorie Diskussion

Nummer Benutzerdefinierter Name Lokalisierter Name
100 Guild Gilde
101 Guild Gilde Diskussion
104 Event Event
105 Event Talk Event Diskussion
106 Portal Portal
107 Portal talk Portal Diskussion
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